Wednesday, December 8, 2010


The VARK Questionnaire consists of questions asking about how you would behave in certain situations. Depending how the questions are answered, individuals can be categorized into different types of learners with specific learning styles.

I concluded the questionnaire by recognizing that I am an aural and kinesthetic learner, contrary to what I had previously thought. According to the test, I learn best by reading my notes out loud and talking about the material with peers, and using all of my senses to learn--along with "learning by doing". This was an interesting concept to me, taking into account that I quickly realized I had spent most of the semester reading the book and taking notes on the material.

Almost immediately after taking the test, I noticed that I seem to learn things better when I do practice problems--actually applying the material. A good example: I often visit my organic chemistry professor's office hours. She allows us to write on a chalkboard the mechanisms for many reactions, and after writing them down and having her talk through them with me, I seem to understand easily and never forget it.

Taking the VARK Questionnaire opened up my eyes to the type of learner I am. Since completing the inventory, I have spent less time reading and writing and more time working on problems from the book. I feel like this has helped me, and will only increase my ability to learn now and in the future.

I've always been told that it is important to know your learning style, but now I truly understand how important it is. Knowing how you learn allows you to study efficiently instead of wasting time not learning. I have wasted way too much time this semester, and hope to limit my non-efficient studying next semester and throughout my college years! 

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