Sunday, December 12, 2010

Past Experiences & My Classmates

On a particular day in class, we recognized how different our life experiences are, and how we all come from different backgrounds. It was something I never really thought about other students...what their ethnicity was and how it affected their life, their family's level of income, where they live, etc. After completing an activity, (can't remember the name) where we stepped forward or backward if certain statements applied to us, I realized that when comparing how privileged I am to others, I was actually in the middle of the pack. I say "actually" because this was somewhat of a surprise to me. I live in a nice suburban house, I'm white, and even went to private school for a few years. However, my parents don't have 'professional' careers, among other factors,  and therefore I was privileged at a median level compared to my peers.

This was an interesting activity, and it put in perspective the different backgrounds that people come from. There truly is an impeccable amount of diversity surrounding us college students, and it is important to know that it affects, or perhaps improves, how we work together and interact.

I look forward to learning more about all the different people surrounding me, and I hope that throughout my college career, they will teach me things I would have otherwise not known.

Diversity definitely enriches the college experience. So far, I think diversity has impacted my tolerance and acceptance of others in a positive way. I am thankful for this and hope it continues.

Not only have different kinds of people enriched my college experience thus far, but so have my fellow seminar classmates. Unlike my other classes, the Wisconsin Experience seminar allows me to be surrounded by students in the exact same position as me. Even though we all come from different places and with different experiences, we all want the same thing--to succeed.

It is extremely nice to be involved in this group of students for the supportive aspect. I have made a couple good friends in the class that I hope to stay friends with during college. It is comforting to know that everyone is in the same boat as you, and it is nice to converse about similar questions we all have. My classmates have made my transition to college smooth and comfortable--I appreciate being a part of this group!

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