Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Color Inventory: I'm Golden!

That's right. The Color Inventory says I'm golden!

Upon ranking groupings of words that I felt best described me, I discovered that my primary color is gold according to the personality/learning style inventory. Some words that describe me:

Parental, traditional, sensible, dependable, loyal, organized, cooperative, concerned, orderly, caring, strong work ethic, compelled to be bound and obligated, list maker, detailed oriented.

The description of "gold" was very interesting. A chunky paragraph expressed a gold individual to be practical, organized, dependable, and honest among other things. The beginning and ending sentences really seemed to nail 'me' right on the head. They are as follows:

"What makes me feel best is being able to create and maintain stability and structure...I need to be valued by others as loyal, productive, consistent, persevering, honest, responsible, a hard worker, a model citizen, and a valuable family member. It really bothers me when people display behavior that I feel is immoral. But want to plan ahead and get organized? Talk to me, because I'm the expert."

While I realize the previous statements actually made up about half of the "gold" description paragraph, I think that it is really hard to replicate what the inventory said because I agree with everything so strongly! I have a few examples to support some of the information I provided. I am most definitely a planner, and love to have everything extremely organized. Just take a look at my desk! The following is a picture I took of my desk at the beginning of the year to show off my dorm room on Facebook. And it honestly still looks exactly the same!

In addition, I love making lists. I make lists and write down everything--without my planner, I would be so lost. I've even gone to the extent of, the night before, writing out my entire next day by the hour with everything I will be doing. By doing this, I feel like I am able to be more productive and waste less time. I'm definitely not perfect, but lists help me an awful lot. Through this picture, my lists, and my planning abilities, it is obvious that I need to be predictable, organized, and responsible. This is how I maintain stability and structure in all areas of my life.

What other people think of me is important. I try to only sign up for events when I know I can attend. I make sure that when I commit to something, I follow through with it and do my best to be there and participate fully.

I am worried about other people, and want to help them and look out for them when I can. For instance, there is a particular friend I have that comes to mind in this situation. She is in ROTC for the Air Force as a freshman here at UW-Madison, and every Tuesday she has to dress up in her uniform. Granted I may have done this to get in a study break, but I have, on more than one occasion, gone into her room and offered to iron her shirt to make sure it is in the expected perfect condition that it needs to be. In addition, she was sick/not feeling well this past weekend. I went into her room (which is just across the hall) to see what's up, and asked if she wanted to go grab some dinner because I figured she needed to eat something substantial and get out of her bed. While we were eating, she thanked me for making sure she ate. I found it hilarious as she jokingly said things like, "Thanks, mom!" but I feel this is a good example of simple acts of caring that I perform.

As soon as I read the description for "gold" I agreed with every single thing it said. It was quite surprising. It allowed me to learn a lot about myself and recognize qualities that I have. I would also like to mention that my secondary color was blue; blue individuals are "intuitive feeling people and above all, they must be authentic". I realized that I do enjoy sharing my feelings and listening to others' feelings/expressions. Communication is something I value, and I believe that it is more important than many of us recognize.

So what does this color inventory mean for me? What did I learn from it?

Well, I learned a lot about myself and the kind of person I am. I never realized how important it is to understand yourself, and how you operate. Recognizing that I am an organized, predictable, traditional person has made me feel okay with that. Before I maybe felt like that was boring, but I don't think having these qualities makes you a boring person. I now seem more motivated to embrace these qualities in myself and use them to my advantage. This especially comes into play when I move towards my next post, which is going to focus on what I learned from the VARK Questionnaire. By embracing the positive qualities I possess, I will be able to succeed at what I am interested in succeeding in, and use what I have to my advantage to be productive--and ultimately, a productive member of society.

Stay tuned!

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